Fruit trade lower than last year

3 years ago

Fruit trade lower than last year

Fruit traders said that due to the corona virus epidemic, trade of fruits in Dashain of this year was less than last year.

Fruit traders of Kalimati said that trade was tens of millions last year on the occasion of Dashain and other festivals. Fruit trader Geeta Pokharel says that trade has been low due to the decrease in number of consumers buying in Dashain this year.

Fruit Trader Pokharel said that the fruits produced in Nepal were sold even after selling at a loss at a lower price than the price she had bought.

Fruit Trader Pokharel said that losses were to be bared also due to rising prices of fruits and declining consumption. Fruit Trader Pokharel said that trade has been less this year due to the high consumption of fruits during the festival.

Meanwhile, consumers have been complaining that the market for fruit products has become more expensive. Consumers have complained that the price of fruits varies from shop to shop.