China will invade and occupy Taiwan within six years

3 years ago

China will invade and occupy Taiwan within six years

Top US military official has warned that China will invade autonomous Taiwan within six years.

Admiral Philip Davidson, the US commander in the upper house of the US House of Representatives, said "China is constantly trying to stop the US military presence in Asia and will attack Taiwan first."

"China is threatening to forcibly annex an autonomous Taiwan," said Davidson, a U.S. military official in Asia-Pacific region.

Earlier, Davidson said China's ambition was Taiwan, adding that the threat of an invasion of Taiwan would arise in this decade and that China could attack Taiwan within the next six years.

Davidson, who appeared before Senate Armed Services Committee, said China was "increasing its military capital" in the region and that this was creating an "unfavorable situation" for the United States.

According to The Guardian, Davidson pointed out that the United States was allowing the threat to grow, adding that China was in danger of unilaterally changing the status quo.

Davidson said there was a danger of an attack by China before the US military could respond, adding that China was gathering military equipment in the area for the purpose of the attack.