Greece and Austria urge EU to recognize 'vaccine passports'

3 years ago

Greece and Austria urge EU to recognize 'vaccine passports'

Greece and Austria have urged other European Union (EU) member states to accept coronavirus 'vaccination passports'.

In a virtual discussion between EU leaders, they have proposed allowing a 'vaccine passport' to travel to Europe.

They argue that 'vaccine passport' will boost Europe's tourism industry, which has been devastated by epidemic.

If they have been vaccinated, they will be able to travel to EU countries without any restriction if they show vaccination certificate.

But BBC reports that some of organization's countries have opposed "vaccine passport" proposal.

France and Germany have said that studies on whether a vaccinated person can carry virus and transmit it to others have not been completed, with France and Germany saying such a certificate would be immature for now.

They argue that proposal would be discriminatory as such a passport would only allow a limited number of people to travel abroad.