Cabin crew to wear nappies to cut the risk of Covid-19 infection

3 years ago

Cabin crew to wear nappies to cut the risk of Covid-19 infection

China's aviation has set new 49-page set of guidelines for airlines to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

It has recommended cabin crew to wear disposable nappies and avoid using the toilet. The advice on nappies is in a section on personal protective equipment in new guidelines for airlines.

The regulator said the recommendation applied to charter flights to high-risk Covid-19 destinations. Globally, airlines and airports have been making big changes and struggling to operate to get passengers flying again.

The Civil Aviation Administration of China put forward a new 49-page set of guidelines for airlines for prevention from the spread of coronavirus.

It is mandatory for cabin crew to wear medical masks, disposable gloves, caps, goggles, disposable protective clothing and shoe coverings. But nappies can be avoided if aircraft is flying for less infected countries.

The global aviation industry, travel and tourism industry has been badly affected from the pandemic.  Different measures have been put forward from different countries foe flight safety.

Some requires airlines to leave at least one seat empty between passengers, others have made masks mandatory for the duration of flights and so forth. -BBC