New Zealand announces interest waiver for small businesses

3 years ago

New Zealand announces interest waiver for small businesses

Newly formed government in New Zealand has announced a special relief program for small businesses. The first cabinet meeting of Labor Party government on Monday announced a strong relief program to protect small entrepreneurs.

Strong support programs have been set up to help small businesses affected by corona virus, said government officials.

Government has stated that relief program has been brought for small entrepreneurs as they are an important part of the state's economy and country's economy will be saved by helping them.

"Today's cabinet meeting has decided to provide a relief package for small entrepreneurs, extending concessions given earlier," Prime Minister Jasinda Ardern said on Monday.

In her address after cabinet meeting, Ardern said that relief and concession programs which are about to expire this year will continue till December 31, 2023.

Prime Minister Ardern said that small entrepreneurs affected by corona will be given interest free concession for one to two years.

"Coronavirus epidemic will not end in December, nor will our relief package," said Prime Minister Ardern.

"Different businesses need relief packages at different times and in different circumstances," Prime Minister Ardern said.

Prime Minister Ardern said that it would be important for government to push back businessmen in difficult times.

"Reviving economy is a priority for government, and saving small businesses is the key to reviving it," said Prime Minister Ardern.

Ministers of government formed after recent elections in New Zealand were sworn in on Friday. After that, first meeting was held on Monday.

Arden, who led government even before election, has won more votes in current election, believing she has played an effective, mature and responsible role in managing corona virus epidemic. रासस