More success in the vaccine against corona

3 years ago

More success in the vaccine against corona

There is further hope for the development of a vaccine against corona virus. German company Bioentech said on Monday that the third phase of the vaccine it had developed was up to 90 percent effective.

The vaccine, developed by Bioentech in collaboration with the US company called Pfizer, tested up to 90 percent effective, it said on Monday.

The vaccine was tested on a large population, company said in a statement. According to company, vaccine was tested on 43,500 people in six countries.

Company claims that test did not show any side effects.

Dozens of corona vaccines have been developed around the world, and vaccine is the most effective.

Dr Albert Bolal, company's chairman, said it was an important day for science and humanity, adding that the results of Phase 3 vaccine trial had added fuel to the fire against cobwebs.