Trump-Biden squabbles over television debate

3 years ago

Trump-Biden squabbles over television debate

The first televised debate on November 3 presidential election in the United States has ended. In the debate, Trump and Biden have been at loggerheads over issues other than their own agenda.

In a televised debate held on Wednesday morning according to Nepali time, a tense situation was created between the two candidates during the response of the opposition candidate.

President Donald Trump and Democratic candidate and former vice president Joe Biden have met for the first time in a televised debate.

The debate, facilitated by Chris Wallace of Fox News, is the worst in history, according to US media. President Trump has repeatedly blocked Biden's response. Wallace then repeatedly warned Trump and had to stop him in a loud voice.

The televised debate focused on epidemic of corona virus, the appointment of judges to the Supreme Court, apartheid, the economy, climate change and electoral freedom. But Trump's obstruction in every debate was heated.

President Trump has made no commitment on whether to accept the election results. But Biden appealed to voters to vote as they see fit, and vowed to accept whatever the outcome.

The New York Times reported last Sunday that President Trump had committed income tax fraud. But in the debate, Trump claimed to have paid tens of millions in taxes.

Trump did not say how much income tax was paid in 2016 and 2017.But a report in the New York Times states that he paid only  750 in taxes the same year.

Just hours before the televised debate began, Joe Biden and Vice Presidential candidate Kamala Harris made their tax returns public.