Urge not to abuse doctors and health workers working in Corona

3 years ago

Urge not to abuse doctors and health workers working in Corona

The Nepal Medical Association has urged people not to mistreat the doctors and health workers working in the treatment of Corona.

At a press conference held by the Ministry of Health on Tuesday, Dr. Lochan Karki, president of the association, urged public not to abuse the doctors and health workers, leaving their families behind.

Dr. Karki also said that the moral of the society and the housewives in the urban areas including Kathmandu will decrease when the doctors are mistreated.

Dr. Karki said that corona infection and death rate is increasing in Nepal and urged to follow the standards of public health. Dr. Karki also said that corona infection would not increase from infected people in home isolation to other people if they met the public health standards.

Karki also urged the infectious physicians to help in improving the moral of the patients without abusing them as they will return to the treatment and provide health care to other patients if the corona infection is cured.