Gaijatra a festival celebrated by a Newar Community

3 years ago

Gaijatra a festival celebrated by a Newar Community

Gaijatra festival is being celebrated in different cities of the country including Kathmandu Valley on Tuesday. Especially Gaijatra celebrated by the Newar community, it is customary to take a person with a picture of a cow to roam around the city.

It is believed that the soul of a relative who has died within the last  year is saved by moving the cow around the city. It is believed that the dead souls can easily cross the Baitarani river on their way to Yamalok and get salvation when they walk around the city with a picture of a cow or a real cow from the house of the  dead person.

But this time, everyone seems to be affected by the coronavirus. Considering the risk of coronavirus (Covid-19) infection, various local levels of Kathmandu Valley have urged people to take precaution during Gaijatra and various subsequent Jatras.

As soon as the lockdown was opened, the number of corona infections is increasing again. Thus, the local authorities have urged people to celebrate it within their homes.