Despite the opposition discussion on the budget in the Far Western Provincial Assembly

3 years ago

Despite the opposition discussion on the budget in the Far Western Provincial Assembly

Despite the opposition MPs' opposition, the discussion on the budget has moved ahead in the Far Western Provincial Assembly.

Opposition Nepali Congress (NC) and Janata Samajwadi Party (SJP) cordoned off the area shortly after the meeting began on Tuesday. Despite the siege, Speaker Arjun Bahadur Thapa gave time to CPN (Maoist) MP Harka Bahadur Kunwar to express his views on the budget. Commenting on the budget, Kunwar said that the budget was excellent.

Ruling party lawmaker and former minister Dirgha Sodari had said that he had insulted the house by turning his back on the speaker. Opposition parties have been obstructing regular state assembly meetings saying that the budget is not balanced and the government has not made public its expenditure on corona control.

The next meeting has been called at 8 am on Wednesday after Kunwar expressed his views on Tuesday.