Tips on Working from home during a pandemic

4 years ago

Tips on Working from home during a pandemic

Tips On Working from home during a pandemic

In this difficult time of coronavirus pandemic, people are trying to work from home, as companies are carrying out plans to arrange work-from-home mandatorily. Working from home is not easy as it sounds. Working for survival and with motive of earning few pennies for family, children, food and shelter has become a necessity.

 Working from home is completely new for many of us. Some may have worked from home before but working from home because of coronavirus is very different, you might feel like a whole new different world all of a sudden not knowing till when you have to work from home. Being healthy mentally and being successful working from home might be challenging at the same time so here are some tips to get through during this hard time.

● Create a schedule- Making a schedule helps you  get systemized. Create a schedule, mentioning your starting hours, breaks and finishing hours and be flexible, keep in mind you are at home.

● Put on some nice clothes- Change your clothes, put on some nice clothes which you usually don’t wear at home. It might sound as a funny tip, but it’s very needed one for starting your office at home. Just because you’re working from home does not mean that no one from work will see you. Its a tech world and you will have to attend video meetings.

● Set up a office space- Setting up a space for work is very important while working from home, otherwise you might end up making all of your rooms as office rooms, making a mess. So, organize your desk with required stuff at a single space.

● Take this easy- Don’t push yourself harder where you might breakdown. Take breaks in between, do not overdo it trying to make it altogether may not be good idea. This phase will end, don’t stress and get over from news portals while working. There’s nothing to stress about, you are not the only person facing this hard time, global catastrophe is here only for a while and altogether we can get through this. Don’t forget to rhyme your body, minds, and relationships trying to make “a peak performance” working from home.

Look out this tweet by Mark Richardson for more tips which might help you get through;


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